Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Labor Day is Over.......Now Get Back To Work!

Okay, so maybe you have been wondering why it is that sometimes it takes ole Signtopia a few days and sometimes weeks to put up something new on the ole I write this, I am now wondering why anyone would be actually checking this blog every day.......oh well.......such as it is, there are so many things to write about........maybe too many things.......there is alot of stuff happening. I could spend each day just writing about everything.......but that would probably bore me.......and you.

I just watched Obama campaign some more tonight. I am still trying to figure out what it is exactly he was saying. Surely, you must realize that when ANY politician opens his or her mouth and utters more than a few words, red flags go up and we all start grabbing onto our wallets. Oh well.........I hope they like the empty wallet.

Speaking of empty wallets.........well.......this moron, shown above, is about as close as one could get to being as empty as it course he looks like he eats more each day than one third of the population of France...........I was referring to his brain.........empty as my wallet.
Every time I see this Michael Moore blob in the news, it is always because he is promoting one of his new films. When I see this blob.......I always think of a film, but not the propagandic reels that he puts out. I am always immediately reminded me of the character "Sloth" in that movie "The Goonies". Now who do YOU think he looks like?

Yesterday, the Baltimore County Council voted to approve speed cameras in school zones. I recently wrote about this and I was opposed to it. Needless to say, there were alot of people in opposition to the cameras. Everyone agreed that it is just another money the politicians went ahead and approved it. How nice of them. It was reported that only one councilman voted against the cameras..........gee......I guess I should feel all warm and fuzzy now.

Only morons would re-elect these money grabbers.

Oh well........that's it for now........oh sure, I could write some more, but I do have a life.

By the way.........I got another comment from a Jehovah's Witness moth's to a flame, they keep commenting........hehehe.

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