Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Latest Crab Shell Ornaments

To say that I am tired.........very tired...........would be an understatement. The aches and pains......muscles......bones......joints......back.....hands........oh the pain and suffering.......however........whatever........I suppose it goes with the territory.

That territory happens to be a zone that is all mine and mine alone. As it is, if you have read anything previously on this blog, I happen to be a "crab artist".........it was supposed to be a "hobby".....to make myself useful and have a feeling of contribution to the family cause. I should have known that it would become somewhat of a monster. From cleaning up the crab shells.....scrubbing.......disinfecting......priming.......attaching rope to each one....then painting them and then finally putting a clear coat sealer on each one...........well........it is a bit much on my plate. I should not complain, there are far worse things to groan about. Needless to say, there are weeks where I get a bit behind and end up staying up too late at night working on the shells. One has to do what one has to do.

Here I find myself at a point where November is practically gone already and I am trying to prepare for the Christmas shopping madness that is about to occur. I suppose you could imagine where my brain is at about now, not to mention my tired fingers. Busy.......busy........busy.

That back row of stacked crab shells are the unfinished ones that I sit and work on at the flea market.

I mount some on plaques and in display cases..............more work.....hehehe.

Here are some photos of some of the latest crab shells that I have made:

That's it for now........sorry about taking so long to post lately. Hopefully another crab video is in the offing soon........stay tuned.

Happy Thanksgiving Everybody!
Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. These ornaments are awesome but I do not live in the Baltimore area..do you take online orders?

    1. Dana B,

      Thanks for the compliment.
      I do accept online orders, however, I am not setup with paypal yet. Arrangements can be made to send you some shells if you contact me via email : signtopia@aol.com. Let me know what you would like to have and how soon you need it. Keep in mind that time is of the essence and I am somewhat overloaded with orders that need to be done before Christmas. You will need to submit a money order to me via snail mail for payment. I will give you the prices and the cost to ship when I respond to your email.

      Thanks again for your interest.

