A Little Bit Of Everything.
Moving Forward In Spite Of It All.
Thursday, April 01, 2010
April Fools Day
Okay.......I know it's been several days since I last posted on the blog.........I simply chose not to do so even though there has been much to write about. After some nearly deep consideration, I figured I would keep the majority of stuff that I would write.......to myself.......and thus probably keep from getting on some anti-government blacklist...........oh......and lest anyone think it is not possible or probable, I DO know the locations of everyone that reads this blog.......and Washington DC comes up often........so there. Don't take that as me being paranoid in any way shape or form.......I am not........but surely you must know by now that I have absolutely no trust in the US government and the thugs that run it. Oh well......I am getting off into a rant of which I have been avoiding so I will get a grip and resist and get back to the April Fools thang.
Happy April Fools Day everybody. What better day than to recognize and give kudos to President Obama..........after all........he sure does know how to round up and capitalize on every fool in the United States.......from now on he should always be remembered as the Leader Of Fools. Without any doubt, we are all going down the tubes.On a side note........go figure that the government deadline for us to turn in our census forms is April 1st........how appropriate.
Also, it probably is no coincidence that April Fools Day this year comes right after the day that Jehovah's Witnesses attend their annual ritual of rejecting the symbolic flesh and blood of Jesus Christ.....known as "the Memorial"..........what a bunch of fools.
So here is to all of the Fools............don't you feel all warm and fuzzy?
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