A Little Bit Of Everything.
Moving Forward In Spite Of It All.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Al Gore Phone Home!
I don't believe it is possible to have been alive for the past few days and not have heard the news about recent events that were startling enough to have been an excerpt from the Book of Revelation. No..........the image of Signtopia did not hover in the sky frightening thousands of people and causing chaos.
Surely you must have seen reports about something else in the sky.............a bright light......a fireball.........something went over the horizon.............hmmmmm....it wasn't me........so what was it? From what I have read, no reports offer up any serious assessment or solid answers. Surely you know that we have some very high tech abilities to analyze, inspect, and watch over our skies. Radar, doppler, NORAD, the entire military, telescopes.....etc......etc......you get the picture, right?
But NO.......we ain't getting any picture. All we have is some film from a cop car camera and the like. Is it possible for something to zip across our airspace and no pilot sees it? Is it possible for NORAD not to have seen it and tracked it and know where it hits? Is it possible that absolutely no scientists or astronomers seen this coming? Is it possible that there may be something going on that "they" may not be telling us? I don't know about you, but to me this is HUGE.
Contrails........right? And those contrails are not from the large bright light. They are from something else.Look at the photo above............that's a huge bright light in the sky, yes..........and we don't know what it is...............but look at what else is in the picture. I see two streaks.......don't you? Okay.........if those are from jet airliners........then those pilots would have had quite a look at what went zipping past them at an extraordinary speed. If those contrails are from something military........a fighter jet or two.......then they know what it is. If those contrails are from shot at whatever caused the bright light we may never know. Either way it is a mystery and it boggles my mind that all we can come up with is some speculation about it. That alone, is scary.Norad can track Santa Claus but it missed something real......go figure.............we all need to worry about this.
But here is something explainable..................biblical proportions of ash spewing forth from a volcano in Iceland. Such proportions that flights had to be cancelled all over Europe.......and this is just from one measly volcano. Imagine the impact...........stuff like this is what caused mini ice-ages throughout the history of the planet...........and this isn't because of something humans do or might do and even continue to do. Stuff like this must make the Goracle toss and turn and night and slap Tipper with a stack of Parental Advisory stickers. So where is Al Gore while all of this is happening?
Al Gore (The Goracle) never seems to talk about this stuff.......and it is those things such as natural occurring volcanic activity and earthquakes that should be worried about. Does Al Gore take up the cause and plead for people to stop living on fault lines? Does he beg for us to not fly in planes because a meteor or some unknown object might hit us? No.......he doesn't.
As huge as the volcano eruption in Iceland is and the impact it will and does have on our planet............it is minor league. Even worse is the caldera that is brewing at Yellowstone. Surely you have heard about that.........right? If you haven't heard........just Google it and educate yourself................you will be amazed. The image shown above is a small indication of just how active the caldera has been. Each dark speck......and there are thousands of them.......are earthquakes. Shocking isn't it?
So where is the Goracle?............maybe Al Gore should phone home.
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