Oh yeah.......I am going way back.........reflecting, that is.
Anyone remember Gwynn Oak amusement park in Baltimore?
Kudos to the creator of this video!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Gwynn Oak Park - Final Days
Lorenzo's Cartoon Festival
While most people reflect on the past year as the New Year approaches, it appears that reflection of the past decade is the bigger deal this New Year's. For me........well I say why not reflect way back to the better days......back when you were a kid......back when I was a kid.....back when you could turn on the tv and see Lorenzo do the Lorenzo Stomp. Remember the Lorenzo Stomp?
Baltimore was special then.........oh the memories.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
I am sure that Santa did not forget her or her brother, Joe Flacco.........hehehe.

Thursday, December 24, 2009
Scrooge (Alastair Sim) Christmas Morning Part 2
This was the real deal and to me, the very best version of the Dickens classic "A Christmas Carol". This also happens to be my favorite part of the movie and brings a tear to my eye each and every time I see it. The story is loaded with messages and lessons to be learned. Pay particular attention to the soundtrack and you will hear the song "Barbra Allen", which, while not particularly a Christmas tune, has become a Christmas song because of its inclusion in the film. Whenever I hear that song, I immediately think of these two parts of the film.
God Bless Us Everyone!
Merry Christmas!
"Oh Holy Night" performed by David Phelps
Everybody has heard O Holy Night many times, but not everybody has heard it sung like this. This just may be the best I have heard, David Phelps has an unbelievable voice. Don't judge this one by only listening to a few bars.......stick with it......trust me......and when you finally reach the final notes of the song.....you will have heard a finale so emotional that it will leave you in awe. Truly a fantastic voice.
I hope you enjoy this.
Merry Christmas!
Edyta Gorniak- Let It Snow [Live'08]
I found this Christmas video by Edyta Gorniak singing in English.
I happen to like it and I hope you like it too.
Stay tuned.......more serious Christmas video coming up later.
Jerry Lewis Batman tribute to David Bowie and Bing Crosby
This video is good for a laugh or two.
Why can't Baltimore tv news stations offer these things every once in a while.............or at least bring back Bowling For Dollars or Pinbusters.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Do You Hear What I Hear? by the Bowen Beer Bottle Band
Yet another Christmas video that I saw on Boortz.com.
You should always check Boortz.com and Neals Nuze every day........as I do.........because you really want to read a website that makes sense and yet is humorous...........after all.......you ARE here aren't you?
Christmas Prank On Louie
I saw this video on Boortz.com and had to put it here on the blog for you to see............this is over the top.
Too much time on somebody's hands......hehehe.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Perry Como - It's Beginning to Look Like Christmas - 1958
Somehow, you gotta be thinkin'........."Ole Signtopia is longing for the Christmases of the past"..........well............yes indeed!
Here is another blast from the past..........Signtopia was only three years old..........oh, to be a kid again at Christmas............
DEAN MARTIN - White Christmas
You didn't think I was gonna forget to have a Dean Martin Christmas song on this blog.......now did you?
Here is White Christmas from the late Dean Martin's tv show..........now just when will the tv networks, or at least some cable channels, start realizing that there is a decent portion of the population that longs for the great shows of yesteryear and cease shoving bilge into our homes via the tv.
Hmmmm........imagine that.......a variety show.......hosted by a distinguished and talented star........oh......wait........I forgot.......there are no distinguished and talented stars anymore................ahhhhh..........so that explains why they need to rebroadcast the historical Dean Martin Show. Maybe one day.
Monday, December 21, 2009
It's Gonna Be A White Christmas
Bóg się rodzi ~ Franciszek Karpiński, 1792
Okay, so you may be wondering what is this "Bog sie rodzi"..........well......it is the name of one of the most beloved Polish Christmas carols and in translation it means "God is being born".
The reason I chose to put this up on my blog is that not only is it a wonderful song, this video is unusual. I recommend that you watch the entire video and see just how pitifully small we are here on earth..........it is a stunning perspective and one that I had not ever seen before.
If you want to hear some samples of more Polish Christmas carols (koledy) check out my list of favorites. You can view the list and listen to samples right here on this page.
Merry Christmas!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Amazing Grace - Christmas Lights (Suppressed in MD)
Hang in there with this one, it gets better as it goes.
I wonder how these lights look with 20 inches of snow on top.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Popeye's Mistletoe, from 1955 . (great Christmas)
I figured this video would be interesting and fun for the holidays..........also this Popeye episode was from 1955, the year that I was born.
They just don't make cartoons like this anymore.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Leon Redbone And Dr John - Frosty The Snowman (HQ available)
I am trying to get in the holiday mood. Here is a good start with a little Leon Redbone. If this doesn't do the trick, I am sure I can dig up some other stuff to get the job done.
Signtopia Had Another Birthday
Now that THAT is out of the way..........Christmas is almost here........arrrggghhh!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Edyta Górniak - Nie proszę o więcej
Without a doubt, Edyta Gorniak should be the biggest star on the planet,
Monday, December 14, 2009
Riviera Maya Vacation - Part Twelve
The trip was great, I thoroughly enjoyed it.........Supernurse enjoyed it............and we felt appreciated for being there. I look forward to returning........maybe even next year.
If you have any questions about the resort, feel free to put your question in the comments.
I may have a thing or two that I will mention here on the blog about our trip that, for some reason, I may have overlooked.
Now lets get Christmas out of the way..........next trip : The Bellagio in Las Vegas!........in January.