Some people walk around with never looking upward.......they miss much. For me, the sight of palm trees was a common thing when I lived in Florida, but they never were as beautiful as they were here in Punta Cana.
Sometimes you have to stop in your tracks and take a good look at the landscaping here. After all, the owners of this resort go to all of the trouble to take great care of the property, it makes sense for you to take notice of it..............this is not hard to do either, given the beauty of this place.
At every turn there is something that catches your eye......even the simple lines of trees, a glimpse of God's artwork.........the equivalent of a high quality painting that comes to life.
They obviously planned this place.........every detail.........to make it eye candy. All sorts of shrubbery, well-maintained and placed.
I really hated to leave this stuff behind..........I want to see this kind of sight every day.
As you can see here in this photo, they have been preparing for Christmas. Just about every palm tree is being wrapped with thousands of Christmas lights. They were still hanging strands of lights when we left.
Walking down this path, I thought about that old television show entitled "The Prisoner". I could picture that giant white balloon bouncing up the path. The "village" in that show was meant to be like some sort of utopia. The Bavaro is the closest to utopia that I have seen.
I cannot remember the name of this tree, I should have written it down. Notice how the roots are above ground? Amazing! I have no excuse for not remembering the name because along the main paths there are small placards placed in front of the trees which inform the guests which kind of tree each are.
They even put Christmas lights on the roots! The brown box you see here serves two purposes. The lower portion contains a light and the upper portion is a small bin for trash. These are placed repeatedly along each pathway. At night, some of the trees are lit up by strategically located flood lamps. Even at night this place is beautiful.
Stay tuned for Part Five!
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