Now.....let's see........the Baltimore Ravens have 8 wins and 2 losses as of today. I am loving every minute of it. They play against Pittsburgh next. I cannot stand the Pittsburgh Steelers. They ain't doing so good this year.....and I am loving THAT as well.
My wife tells me that there are alot of people coming into the emergency room with respiratory infections.............a real nasty dose of it. She also tells me there is talk about how they are seeing an increase in illnesses in children which they believe is the result of parents opting to not get their children the recommended immunization shots because of the controversy over Thimerosol which is used as a preservative in those shots. Seems as though it could become a major problem. Measles....mumps....diptheria and rubella ......may be on the rise again. This is not good.
I am looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas this year. I have much to be thankful for, and Christmas......well.......you know.......there is a reason for the season...........a child was born.
More on that later!
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