I would apologize to everyone for being on such a long hiatus away from writing on this blog.......but.........it is not like I really need to write on a blog at all. The only exception being that there are some people that seem to stay tuned and long for my next offerings......so for them, I DO apologize for not getting out of my funk and writing.
Alot of stuff has been going on..........way too much to write about. I had all sorts of plans for things to do and lately I have had trouble getting started on any one of them. It's a funk that I am in. It seems that when I am on the edge of starting something, something else rears it's ugly head and diverts my attention away.........hehehe.......same old, same old. Isn't it odd that it is always such that I can help others yet cannot seem to be able to help my own self? Oh well......it has been that way for many, many years now.
I toyed around with the idea to make videos for the blog......especially videos where I would offer up some of my classic parodies and phone calls about Jehovah's Witnesses. While I still harbor a spot in my brain to offer such in the future, here and there, I must say that whenever one messes with the devil and it's evil realm it has a way of fighting back and attacking you in assorted ways. It is risky business. No, I have no fear of the evil, I just like to avoid it if possible. So stay tuned.....you never know when I will get ticked enough to tackle the devil again here.
Here's hoping that everyone enjoyed celebrating their mothers on Mother's Day.
So Bin Laden is supposedly dead........hmmmmmm......okay........Have you noticed the mad scramble to decide who the new boogeyman is? For such a "leader" of "his people", Bin Laden lived in squalor. What happened to all of his money? Obviously he lived in alot of fear......and that's a good thing. I am sure we do not know all there is to know about it but he was hardly the terrorist leader that the powers that be made him out to be.
Here's a doppleganger for you:
Mike Rogers........a politician from Minnesota.......

By the way, I once wrote about the following picture, here on this blog......and I feel compelled to mention it again. The following picture is from an advertisement in 1979. For some reason, Pakistan Air thought it was a good idea to display the World Trade Center with the shadow of a jet airliner. Either this was an omen that nobody noticed or Pakistan has been trying to tell us all something.

Let's put it this way........if your neighbor supports a person that sets fire to your barn, would you give him money every year to pay his rent?
George Bush actually said it right........you are either with us or against us. He tried to tell us that the harboring and financing of terrorist puts a country on our shit list. It is time to shit on Pakistan.
Stay tuned.