I'll be a bit busy for the next two weeks..........I'll be driving from Maryland to Texas, then to Tennessee, and then back home. I have made lots of audio cds to listen to during the drive......that will be good. I plan on taking my time and I fully expect a minimal amount of stress. As for the Fourth Of July.............I will be making a batch of minestrone........very similar to Carrabbas.............and after everybody consumes that, the fireworks should begin within an hour or two.......hehehe. It will be great to get away from Baltimore, the tv, the computer.........ahhhhhh.......I am looking forward to this.
So what will I be doing? I will be visiting family that I do not see often enough........and spending lots of time with my mom. Yes I will take lots of pictures and post some of them when I get back.
Meanwhile, I have some stuff I would like to write about but for some reason I am in a rut and haven't been able to find the gumption to do it. I will, however, find my gumption after the trip and start getting busy with writing and maybe even find my artistic self and kick that into gear as well. Truth be told, sometimes it is tough dealing with depression..........yes, even ole Signtopia......even though he has so much wonderfulness in his life.....gets depressed. Most folks take a prescription for such a thing.......me?........no.........I would like to think that I deal with it my own way......however that is. Don't be alarmed though.........I think that everybody gets depressed at times and I simply have my share of it. A nice vacation usually snaps me out of it....hehehe.
Here is something to rattle your minds while I am away from the blogosphere...............
As you surely must know, all sorts of spacecraft has been sent to Mars. Lots of pictures and there has even been craft that has landed there. Some believe that life exists....in some form.....elsewhere other than on earth.........and there never seems to be any proof...........but just maybe...........maybe..........maybe.......we are gonna find out something we might not wanna know...........maybe we will be glad to know............time will tell, but for now, there are some peculiar things that are worthy of note. Consider the following video about Mars and how this dude shows you how to "see" what you would not ordinarily see. Personally, I was stunned by this and I don't really know what to think about it.......... will leave it up to you to see for yourself. Feel free to comment about this.
If that doesn't make you wonder.......try this video about the end of the world.
Here we go with some of my random thoughts...........
...........not that these thoughts have any worth........but sometimes a man has to wonder about stuff.
I remember seeing old films of people striking oil and the oil would be spewing all over the place and people were covered with it and it was a huge mess..............we were told that this was a good thing.............somebody struck it rich!.........remember the Beverly Hillbillies?........Ole Jed Clampett struck oil and moved to Bev-er-ly.........Hills that is.....swimming pools........movie stars!
Oil is supposedly scarce these days and we are said to be dependent on foreign oil. As you know by now, somebody hit the motherlode while drilling for oil in the Gulf of Mexico, off the coast of Louisiana...........hmmmm.....Clampett territory? Well.......You would think people would be all excited about it.......but no. Supposedly, we are still being led to believe that oil is scarce and that it is hard to find........huh?............if it is so scarce and such a limited supply in this part of the planet, then why are we hearing reports where each day the amount spewing out of the floor of the Gulf is increasing in huge numbers and I also hear reports that it appears that this "leak" could go on for months and months......even years and years! This doesn't all add up to me.
And where has Al Gore been during all of this?.........hehehehe......
Today, the boogeyman is BP..........but the real boogeyman sits in Washington DC. Those that made laws restricting all new oil drilling to be so far off the coast that disasters such as this are hard to remedy. The even bigger problem with the oil disaster is that hurricane season starts about now.......this is not a good thing. The Gulf gets its fair share of tropical storms and the problem with this is that you have to remember where these storms get their water from. My guess is that a hurricane might suck up that oily water and dump it from the coastline to miles and miles inland..............think its a mess now?.......we ain't seen nuthin' yet. Stay Tuned!
I am a Baltimore Orioles fan.........and the team absolutely sucks this year.............but I am still a fan............well........there is always hope for next year. It boggles my mind that hitting has been a problem for the past 12 years or so............and we have changed managers, players, stadium attendants, hot dog vendors, and Boog Powell's t-shirts two or three times a year.............but one thing remains constant in the dugout............Terry Crowley the Orioles hitting coach..........Crowley somehow has kept his job all of these years. I do not understand the logic in this.
Another thing I do not understand is..........
..........Former Orioles pitcher and now part of the MASN broadcast team. Notice how he always looks slanted. On camera, he always leans to the side as he speaks..........maybe it his hairstyle........the hair is to heavy on one side. I think it is also the cause for Palmer's continual flubbing and stuttering of players names. I have one other pet peeve regarding Jim Palmer.........he has an obvious and apparent crush on Derek Jeter. The Orioles could be playing against the San Francisco Giants and at least twice during the broadcast he will mention Derek Jeter who plays for the Yankees. I could understand referencing Jeter regarding statistics, but when the broadcast goes like this: "Wigginton got all of that one and as he heads towards second base, Jeter..................."...................Jeter?.........C'mon Jim..........this ain't New York and Jeter has nothing to do with this game.Maybe Palmer is just getting a bit senile.
In a few months, Obama's hair will look like Nelson Mandela's hair...........don't laugh, he no longer dyes it.........it is getting grayer and grayer.
Ever see this guy?.............it's Boston Red Sox first baseman Kevin Youkilis. He's the one whose batting stance looks like a Wii character in the batters box. Everytime I see Youkilis, whose real name, by the way, is Weiner..............that's right, he is a Jewish ballplayer.............everytime I see Youkilis, I am thinking........
............Louis C.K.
Twins separated at birth?
What is it with politicians that they think that if they roll up their sleeves for an appearance in public and for a photo op, that you and I will think they are "working hard". I see this kind of stuff and it just assures me that the end of the world is upon us all. Furthermore, if you or I go to the coast or the beach on the Gulf Coast to get to the bottom of what is happening, we would not walk along that beach eating snowcones..........are you kidding me?.........do you see how hard they are "working"...........how do we know they are "working"?........the snowcones?........NO!.......it is the rolled up sleeves!.........It boggles my mind that would even wear a long sleeved shirt there. I have been to Louisiana at this time of year..........it ain't cold. You can't tell me they couldn't afford a short-sleeved shirt or two. How about a t-shirt and some cut-off jean shorts?
Back to the Orioles again............this is their catcher Matt Wieters............the alleged future superstar...........who can't seem to hit his way out of a paper bag. Think pop-outs and double plays. Whenever I see Wieters face on tv, I am reminded of this guy........
............that's right..........Joran van der Sloot........the soon to be deceased murderer.
Things are just terrible.........ain't it?
Maybe Wieters should grow a beard and start looking like Kevin Youkilis.
And now for something you don't see every day............music with appliances:
...........and just because it is Thursday.......some David Bowie. It is nice to see somebody actually enjoying what he is doing.
I realize that for the majority of people on the planet, Jehovah's Witnesses are simply irrelevant and thus they could care less what Witnesses do or do not do. In the grand scheme of things, generally..........people don't know much about them and see no reason to learn anything about them..........and that is understandable. So here I go finding myself mentioning them on this blog again..........why?..........oh I suppose you could say that there is some unfinished business......hehehe.........then again, you could also say that the world of the Watchtower is like a bad accident.......you know.......you just find yourself having to look at the mess as you drive past.
As I stated, most do not know much about them.........and I would take that even farther by stating that even most of the Witnesses don't even know much about their own group. How can a say such a thing?.......well.......I have had quite a bit of experience chit-chatting with JWs for many, many years and this is what I have observed. For an example, you might want to look into some of my past entries on this blog that mention Jehovah's Witnesses and be sure to look at the comments and my responses to those comments. After reading those, I doubt that I should have to explain it any further to you.
I have written about Venus and Serena Williams before (the blog entry entitled "Jehovah's Witnesses Should Read This").............yes......the famous tennis stars.......and I can safely say that of all of the things I have written about......those particular posts have been the most popular. Don't get the idea that droves of people are interested in Venus and Serena Williams and want to see what I have to say about them.........that is not the case. As it happens, whenever somebody does a Google search and enters the names "Venus & Serena Williams" and they also include the term "Jehovah's Witnesses"........BINGO.........the will likely get a link to this blog just because I have written about them being Jehovah's Witnesses. Furthermore, just in case anyone wonders about such things, I can tell you that there are people from all over the planet that seem to perform such a search........yes, I have a blog tool that provides me with some statistics. And before anybody gets the idea that there are thousands of people coming to this blog on a daily basis to read about whether or not the Williams sisters are Jehovah's Witnesses or not..............that simply is not the case. But of the people that do happen to view this blog, the majority get here by searching for the video of "Mrs. Farting Preacher"......hehehe....go figure........and the second most popular thing appears to be the Venus and Serena Williams issues. Okay then........you may be wondering what came in third?........it's a no-brainer........people search for "the end of the world" and this blog shows up. This is just the way things are and I actually have no control over it.
Okay, so I log on and sign in to Blogger and I get myself prepared to write this and I notice that I have a comment from someone that needed to be addressed. I clicked on it and "Lo and Behold" it is a comment about one of my prior postings about Venus and Serena Williams. For the record, I accept and post all comments and the only exception would be those that have inappropriate language. Otherwise, I have always encouraged people to offer a comment, pro or con..........I can handle it........and in regards to people who happen to be Jehovah's Witnesses....well.......I really, really, really, enjoy allowing them to speak for themselves.....hehehe........after all, they always prove my points......often ultimately confirming what they initially deny.
For whatever reason, the big issue with Venus and Serena Williams is that both of them have said publicly that they are Jehovah's Witnesses. I personally see no good reason for them to lie about it and I have no good reason to not believe them. The problem is, as I have written before, that the Williams sisters participate in things and do things that the rank and file Witnesses could never get away with. Do I dislike the Williams sisters because of this?........NO. Would I like them better if they toed the line as the other JWs do?..........No. Actually, I could care less about the Williams sisters and I really, really, have no interest in tennis. I would also say I wish them no ill will. But there are issues with the Williams sisters.........and those issues are more of an issue because of who the say they are....they both say that they are Jehovah's Witnesses.....remember that.........it is their own words. The problem isn't so much that they are what they are, but moreso that the rest of the Jehovah's Witnesses appear to be a bit befuddled about them.
In the past, the Williams sisters have been seen participating in Nationalistic displays such as carrying the US flag at the Olympics.......no big deal, really, except a JW kid is not even allowed to recite the Pledge Of Allegiance at school. There is a certain level of hypocracy in play. I have suggested before that it may well be that the Williams sisters get away with what they get away with because they have quite a bit of money.............and they probably donate heavily to the Watchtower. Remember Michael Jackson?.........yep.......he was a JW too and made Christmas albums with the entire Jackson Family while being JWs........I suppose the money was rolling in to the Watchtower...........but something went awry when Michael made that Thriller video........so awry that he tried to cool the Watchtower jets by putting a disclaimer on the video that it did not reflect his beliefs. Needless to say, that didn't work. Recently, one of the Williams sisters was ticked off during a tennis match and was caught on tape offering up some choice "witnessing". People were shocked at her ferocious display of anger..........such violent behavior......very unbecoming of a JW, right?
And now the latest hubbub has been the choice of clothing on the tennis court...........clothing that was designed by her.............I can't imagine seeing Jehovah's Witnesses going to people's doors dressed like this..........but yet........if they did, they might be able to pawn off more magazines than ever. I suppose I could spell it all out here but there is a YouTube video that takes care of it all.........even to the extent that the man makes a phone call to the headquarters of the JWs, the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society in NY, to ask if Venus and Serena are Jehovah's Witnesses. I found it amusing because I have done that as well in past years. I have called Kingdom Halls and their headquarters and broadcast it to the planet on Paltalk. Nothing is better than their own words...........check out this video:
Perhaps this is what they will all be wearing in the "New System" of things..............then again..........if you call the Watchtower and ask them for the official word on it the answer you may get is "We don't know".
Oh......and by the way.........remember that recent comment that needed to be addressed?.......well, here it is:
"dollface said... i got to the point to believe that you really really hate JW,and i bet you're a exJW, cos you dont dont really have a point on what your talking about,this is between serena ,her sister williams and jehova, not between you and the organization,im not a JW but i can see what's going on, you just hate them with not reason,you want people to leave JW because what the williams just did ? you're so stupid, not a JW can respond for the williams action,only the williams can."
Hmmm, so because I wrote about the Williams sisters I must really really hate JWs? That is amazing stuff. And Dollface bets that I am an "exJW"..........ROFL.......THAT is hilarious. And the reason that Dollface writes that is because I "don't really have a point on what your talking about"...........hehehe.........this is so funny.
Folks, the JWs always come up with stuff like this in regards to the Williams sisters. Rather than confirm or deny, they simply level some lame insults and then claim that everything is between the Williams sisters and Jehovah.........and let's not overlook that it was written that it is "not between you (meaning me) and the organization".............I must point out that to the JW, the organization IS Jehovah, or at the very least their organization is the equivalent. Oddly, this same commenter wouldn't make the same statement regarding the Williams sisters if it were Dollface or a member of Dollface's family doing the things like the Williams sisters do. That's about all I care to respond to. The rest of the comment is just more bilge.
For the record..........it is obvious to me that folks like Dollface are lost souls who have nothing in them to explain anything.............zero. How could anyone ever expect such to be adept at the bible?
And also, for the record, I have never been a JW nor have I ever entertained such a notion.