A Little Bit Of Everything.
Moving Forward In Spite Of It All.
Thursday, March 04, 2010
400 Blog Posts Later And It's Still The End Of The World!
I never thought that I would still be writing on this blog at this point. Not because the end of the world would have happened by now......or that our government would have banned blogging by now............or that my focus would be on other things. I can safely say that this blog has been about so many things that it has kept my interest for so long. Today is a milestone.........this is my 400th post..................imagine that.
I don't get paid.......I am no member of any club or organization........and I certainly ain't trying to impress anyone by having a blog. While there are so many things to write about and share with the world, there is one particular point for everything that is written here. If you have been reading this blog you must have gotten the concept by now............It's The End Of The World!
The End Of The World is not a quick thing but something that has been going on for a long long time...........and lately, it's been speeding up its process. Every indicator you can imagine........every sign has been displayed......but not everybody has paid attention.
Here are a few more examples of our demise that I have noticed:
I remember that there was a time when our family bought ice cream from the wonderful Good Humor Truck that would ride through our neighborhood every day during the summer. In business, it is said that a good presentation practically guarantees a sale. Back then, the Good Humor vehicles were clean, well kept, and were eye-catching.....there were no other trucks like them..........one of a kind........and that jingle of the bells told everyone that ice cream was coming down your street and you needed to get your money ready........"Wait A Minute!" we would scream as we ran home to get some change..............ahhhhhhh it was wonderful..............but time has passed and a new era has taken over............the new era?............yeah........the End Of The World Era.
This is the Ice Cream Truck as it looks today. Not very inviting at all............very ugly and looking like rolling chaos. Is this progress?........I don't think so............Is this gonna be a fond memory for the kids in the future after they have grown up?..........of course not.........if we make it another twenty years can anyone imagine what an ice cream truck will look like?...........this should be a prime indication of our demise.
I doubt that you will ever see an article in a Watchtower magazine about ice cream trucks.........it is probably not scary enough to get you to join their cult. Take a look at the date of the magazine and then get a gander at the imagery on the cover. Think about it for a minute. Some may say "Oh well.......I don't see anything".......others might say "It's all about history". I can understand both views about the cover................but I see something like this and wonder about it because of the old saying "hindsight is 20/20".
A closer look at this particular image on the cover should make you cringe. That's right.......it's the World Trade Center in New York City.............and there is a passenger jet heading right for it! Okay.........some of you might say "So What?"...........look at the date..........it was long before the events of 9-11. Those events were acts of terrorism. Now some of you might say "This has nothing to do with terrorism" and some might even try to say that the Watchtower was "prophetic"..................I disagree.
In my view, I am suspicious. It is way too coincidental. I know that the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society, Inc. is a business.......first and foremost. Businesses, if they are good at what they do, invest in themselves.........invest in things that will make their business grow. Think about that. Now imagine what the Watchtower corporations......yes, there are several......invests in. One of their holdings is in a company called Reg-Tech....or RegiTech. It's a company that develops very quiet engine technology for use in things like smart bombs and those very small predator drones that have been used in both the Iraq war and the Afghan war. Some Jehovah's Witness apologists have made all sorts of excuses for such holdings........but have yet to come up with any valid excuse for RegTech pretty much exclusively seeking out and getting Defense Department contracts. To me.......this is an investment in their business. What is their business?...........the End Of The World...........Armageddon. Perhaps the Watchtower doesn't really want to encourage the End Of The World, but I have no doubt that the Watchtower would want to make investments in things that will make it seem like the end of the world is about to occur......at least to its members and recruits. The closer it looks, the better shot they have at convincing the people that answer the door to join their cult. What does all of this have to do with 9-11?.......well.......the Watchtower has been a failure throughout its history in regards to prophecy. I can write about all of those failed prophecies some other time. But because of so many failed prophecies and lack of any prophecies that have come true, I have to look at them as simply as the business that it is. I have no proof......but I sure would love to get a gander the Watchtower money trail. Only then will the truth be known. To refresh your memory........Terrorists have been said to be financed by many entities, of which, some are religious organizations and charities. They get their money from somwhere. It would not surprise me one bit if the Watchtower secretly "donated" to encourage a particular event displayed in their magazine. Business.................End Of The World business.
The Watchtower is not alone. Look at this pre-9-11 advertisement.........stunning ain't it? It's a Pakistan Airlines advertisement.........hmmmmm......gotta think long and hard about this..................I get the impression that we have all been hoodwinked and are not being told the truth.
Another indication of our demise..................pants on the ground.............surely you have noticed that.
And finally, Yellowstone...............as in the Yellowstone CALDERA. It has been very active lately........in case you hadn't noticed. If this caldera erupts........it is all over, folks.
It HAS to be the END OF THE WORLD ... Dannon Yogurt used to be 12 0z., the 8 oz., the 6 oz., and now Dannon Activia is 4 oz. Can't go any lower than that! LOL !.... But keep in mind " The Universe Is Null & Void.. All The Children Sing" " You Don't Have To Be Afraid" ( Todd Rundgren) Long Live Todd is Godd Rundgren.. World Wide Ephiphany !! Support Todd's Shows starting April 2010 Rock Love, Cherry Rayden XO
It HAS to be the END OF THE WORLD ... Dannon Yogurt used to be 12 0z., the 8 oz., the 6 oz., and now Dannon Activia is 4 oz. Can't go any lower than that! LOL !.... But keep in mind " The Universe Is Null & Void.. All The Children Sing" " You Don't Have To Be Afraid" ( Todd Rundgren) Long Live Todd is Godd Rundgren.. World Wide Ephiphany !! Support Todd's Shows starting April 2010
ReplyDeleteRock Love,
Cherry Rayden XO