A Little Bit Of Everything.
Moving Forward In Spite Of It All.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Aruba Trip Part Two
There I was...........standing on Palm Beach in Aruba at sunset.......glorious feast for the eyes.......not me.......the sunset.
After we had arrived at the Occidental Grand and got ourselves checked in and situated, we immediately headed to the beach, it was late afternoon. After a while we hopped over to the pool for some drinks and then back to the beach for the sunset. This made for a great first day. Everything was looking good, we were a bit tired from the flight, but everyone was eager to get this party started. If for no other reason, this alone is worth the trip.
I couldn't absorb enough of this stuff......this is God's artwork........ever changing.........and every moment as glorious as the previous moment.
Imagine seeing this every evening. I could live with that.
Okay........so back to the rest of the story........
The beach. I have been to quite a few lately and this one, Palm Beach in Aruba, is one of the best. Fantastic sand, clean, well kept, and water as warm as bath tub water. I was told that because of a recent tropical depression that went on to become Hurricane Oscar, the water was cloudy along the shoreline. That didn't bother me none. They say that ordinarily you could see your feet when you look down into the water......it is usually very clear. No rocks or tons of broken shells to tread on here. And the water was very calm with the only hint of wave action coming from an occasional passing small boat.
This is a public beach and you can walk along it as far as you care to. Our group gathered together on the beach and soaked up the sun. By the way........the sun here is hotter than a microwaved dinner and you can easily get toasted, roasted, and char-broiled in a short period of time. Sunscreen is necessary here. If not for the cooling tradewinds, instead of mid-80 degree temperatures it could easily be 100 degrees here. In fact, there were times when the breeze stopped and you could immediately feel yourself cook....not to mention the humidity. I was told that Aruba only gets about ten inches of rain per year...........that is not very much rain..........but there always seemed to be scattered clouds where at least one or two clouds would dump a small shower down on us........just enough to cool us off on the beach.
There was much to look at on the beach...........if you happen to be a guy of any age, you would be looking at this kind of stuff............
And regardless if you are a guy or a girl, you couldn't help but see this.........
Okay, enough of that for now..........back to the pool.
The pool was fantastic.........while the ocean was warm. the pool was even warmer. This was great......about four to five foot deep, waterfalls, hot tubs, beds, and a pool bar.............what's not to like about this? Everybody appeared to be enjoying themselves.
And everybody had a drink or two.....or three........what the heck........who was counting? We all had our BubbaKegs. The resort is all-inclusive and you could drink and eat as much as you cared to.
My drink of choice was Balashi.......the Aruban beer.
I am not much of a drinker, but I can safely say that I had my share of Balashi.
The pool bar was great............you could just wade on up in the pool and get your drink. You never have to get out of the pool unless nature calls.
You could sit at the bar on these huge rocks.
You could also get out of the pool and go lay on one of the beds located throughout the pool area.
See the rocks on the right?..................well.........up in those were the hot tubs, located at the center of the pool.
I stood right there and looked around......this is what I had to look at standing near the bar.
I already miss that pool..........it may have been the best one so far.
There is one of those beds I mentioned previously. Don't you wish you were there?
Okay, that's enough for today...........I have to go vote. I will write more about the Aruba trip in the next day or two.
Hello there! I hope you and supernurse enjoy your time in Aruba. It's one of my favorite places. While you are on the island, you should check out an awesome new book - the whole story takes place in Aruba! An Island Away by Daniel Putkowski. You can buy it right at the Occidental gift shop or online at amazon or bn.com. Enjoy!
Hello there! I hope you and supernurse enjoy your time in Aruba. It's one of my favorite places. While you are on the island, you should check out an awesome new book - the whole story takes place in Aruba! An Island Away by Daniel Putkowski. You can buy it right at the Occidental gift shop or online at amazon or bn.com. Enjoy!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the tip, but we have already been to Aruba and back.