I noticed that we have accumulated alot of various ornaments throughout the years. Each one has a memory that goes with it.
Even my dog Chico has an ornament!
There is something about the decorations on the tree that makes you want to stare at them..........and you get mesmerized.......and you start thinking about past times behind.
My wife, Florence Nightingale, was putting up decorations all over the house. One year we had bows everywhere.......but she knows how she wants it and that's the way it will be. Thankfully, she had mercy on us and didn't hang bows everywhere this year.........but I think she has this thing for jingle bells everywhere this year.
You can't forget to put some up high on the tree......you don't want the star to get lonely.
My daughter decorated the back of the tree. Most people never get to see the back of the tree.
The smile says it all. She knows what is coming soon!
It was so nice having the grandkids help out with the tree. No whining.......no screaming........no carelessness..........just great kids, as always, and a pleasure to have around.
Look Pop-Pop, I have some of Mom-Mom's jingle bells!
We didn't tell them where to put them..........they hung them wherever they chose to. Sometimes you need to settle for a branch or two with a ridiculous amount of Christmas balls on it.......and that is okay with me.
There was no watching football that day.....we were way too busy. After the tree was somewhat finished and the grandkids were satisfied with their efforts, it was time to get busy with the cookies.
I set them up in the kitchen so they each had a little table in front of them. I would take cookies out of the oven and after each tray cooled, I would load up a dish of them so the decorating could start. It was the grandkids job to make them look good.......hehehe.
All in all, they did a pretty good job, and these kids did NOT make a mess! Imagine that!
My granddaughter very carefully ate as many of the cookies that she decorated...........hehehe........well?..........surely you must know that you have to make sure they taste right! She did her share of quality control.
They did a good job of it and they had a great time. They were even singing Christmas carols while decorating the cookies. After this, what could I possibly want for Christmas?...........on this day everyone was happy. In the days ahead, I will continue the cookie production. There are gingerbread, oatmeal, peanut butter, and chocolate chip cookies to deal with. And I will fully enjoy each moment of it.
Are you gettin' all Christmasy yet?
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