I really wished I could have spent more time in the Riviera Maya. Although this was a brief trip for us this time, the time spent on the beach and in the water was therapeutic. I really needed it. Each day was as perfect as it could be and the beauty of this place has a place in my heart.............and we try to come back each year. I didn't think of crab shells, flea markets, or any of the things that consume my days at home. Nice! Oh.......but good things must come to an end, for the time being, and there is much work to do. Since my return home, I have been busy filling custom orders and trying to get ahead of the game in preparation for the onslaught of Christmas shoppers. Everybody wants an egg from the golden goose............in my case, insert "crab shell". Here are a few more pictures of my work:
And if that's not enough......here's some more:
As I have mentioned before on this blog, I set up at Northpoint Plaza Flea Market in Dundalk, MD. on Saturdays and Sundays. On Mondays you can find me at Hunter's Sale Barn near Rising Sun in Cecil County, MD. If you live in the area, stop on by and say hello!
I am usually busy painting away on a dozen of so crab shells, which you can watch me paint if you care to do so............... but if you have children with you, be sure to read the riot act to them or at least duct tape their hands together.......hehehe.......this stuff is fragile and nobody likes paying for a broken crab shell. :)
There's more to come................meanwhile, as I paint the crab shells, I'll be thinking about the days I spent on vacation...........and I will still have to say that I am the luckiest man on the planet.............
I am constantly reminded as to how I am the luckiest guy and how truly blessed I am. My daughter, Noodle decided to give me a special birthday present........albeit a month early........in the form of a paid trip to Austin to attend a Ringo Starr and the All Stars concert at the Moody Theater! Imagine that! I got to see a Beatle!......and as a special bonus, my favorite musician Todd Rundgren was performing with him! This was really awesome. Not to mention that I got to visit with my daughter and two of my grandchildren. Can't you tell by the picture that happiness abounds?
It was one hell of a show! Totally awesome. Perhaps I will write some more about this but I am pressed for time, as always. I flew to Austin on Tuesday, returned home Friday night, stayed up all night painting crab shells, worked the flea market on Saturday, came home and agonized over the Orioles game and painted more shells and put together some display boxes.........oh yeah........I did manage to get an hour or two of sleep in between all of that. As I write this, me and Supernurse are just about to leave for the airport..........hehehehe..........oh yeah.........we are off to Mexico again for some rest and relaxation........same place as usual. I shall return to Baltimore on the 19th. Not bad eh?
For those readers who ain't particularly interested in such goings on.....and only here to find out about some painted crab shells, feel free to search around the older posts. My sons will be handling the flea market biz for me until I get back.