Yes it is definately the end of the doubt about it......lots of stuff has been one week's time I have had the pleasure of experiencing my first "substantial" earthquake and Hurricane Irene.........and I still managed to get myself down to the Northpoint Plaza Flea Market and hawk my hand painted crab shell ornaments. Imagine that.
First, I again apologize for my lack of posting here on the blog.......I have been very kidding..........I have been helping my daughter, Miss Moneypenny, with various assorted things just about every day........grandfatherly type chores....housesitting.....kidsitting......and while at her house I have been busy also with prepping these crab shells so I can sell them. Lot's of work and my time has been consumed in biblical proportions. the weekdays are booked solid........and that leaves me with Saturdays and Sundays to hawk my wares at the flea market. What I sell is not really a flea market is a craft not a dollar item. These pieces of art are made by me and for the most part, are unique and some are even one of a kind. I put alot of effort and time into making the ornaments and I have established a spot at the flea market to make them available to anyone who wants one.....or two........or even three.....four...or five of them.
Business has started out really slow.......some days I hadn't even sold one.......but determination is embedded in me and I stand my ground and plant my time, hopefully soon, it will all be worthwhile. Timing is everything.........right? Leave it to me to start a business venture when the economy has tanked and people can barely have enough money to buy the things they actually need. And leave it to me that I decided to manufacture something that is, at best, a novelty and not a necessity.
Painted crab shells!
One month into this venture and things are picking up and word is getting out. More and more customers with each weekend that comes. Oddly, my busiest day so far, was during the hurricane.....go figure.
The Maryland flag.......Natty Boh........
It's a Maryland thing folks...........the Maryland State flower is the Black Eyed Susan.
The Baltimore Ravens!..........every man cave should have one.
And yes, I paint them.........and you can watch me do it at the flea market.
I get special requests sometimes........"Can you make 'em wit da Harley logo on it?" Yes I can.........but I haven't...........that is...........yet.
Each crab shell gets cleaned thoroughly, disinfected, and primed before painting.
This is one of my latest original creations and perfect for Christmas. While some folks might think that these painted crab shells are just used as a Christmas ornament........this is not the case. You can display them anywhere in your home or office throughout the year.
It's a Maryland thing! And nothing says it better than a painted crab shell.
If you are interested in purchasing a hand painted crab shell, come visit me at the Northpoint Plaza Flea Market in Baltimore County, MD. I am there every Sunday from 7 AM to 4 PM and most Saturdays as well. Occasionally, I may have to be set up at some other venue on Saturdays.
Price?.........well, that all depends.......but I can tell you that my prices are better than than what is generally found on the internet. Quality?.......the shells speak for themselves......tell me what you think.
I plan on making these available here on the internet very soon.........but one thing at a time......I am overwhelmed at the moment.