Ho!.....Ho!......Ho! As I write this it is after midnight......uh.......gee it's Tuesday already.........arrrggghhhh.......so much to do and such little time. My plate is full this week.......crabs.....crabs.....and more crabs........all of the prep work on the latest batch of crab shells..........it has been seemingly endless. I started cleaning up the shells Monday morning and while about fifty or so were left to dry, I headed off to deal with the grandchildren. I started cleaning up another batch of shells when I got home around 7:30 pm. Let's see......I lost count.......that was another good 40 to 50 more shells now set out to dry. I still have another large bag of shells to be cleaned sitting in the fridge.....my guess is there is another 60 or so to go. If only I had ten hands........oh well.
The crab shells have been a hit. I figured that I would show some pictures of some that have been going fast.......as soon as I make them.......they sell and I find myself making more of them. Personally, I prefer doing each crab shell as one of a kind. That way, it doesn't become boring or laborious for me. The idea was not to "work hard"........and yet, at least for the Christmas holiday shopping period.........it has become quite difficult to keep up with the demands. The Steelers crab shell is very popular.......apparently there are alot of Steelers fans in Baltimore.
Of course the Redskins are popular too.........after all, the Redskins play in Maryland!........this painted crab shell stuff IS a Maryland thing you know.
I do not have all of the teams, but I do take requests......if you want one, I will probably make one for you..........note: I do need some time though. Usually a one week wait.
Yep, I sold out of the Utz girl.............but hopefully I will have time to make a few more before the week ends.
Here is something you won't see just anywhere......needless to say......it sold right away.
I do special requests like this one.......the Greek flag with the family surname in Greek.
I simply don't quite get it but there are some folks that wanted Boston Red Sox crab shells.
I can understand putting things related to Maryland on a crab shell. This one is also very popular.
And no......it is not a sticker........hon.
I only made one of these and I sold it this past weekend. The "golden eggs" of Dundalk!
Well.......that's about it for now........time for some shut-eye and then back at it again tomorrow.
Please note: If you are interested in purchasing some of the hand painted crab shells be sure to come see me at the North Point Plaza Flea Market every Saturday and Sunday with the exception being THIS WEEKEND, the flea market will be open on Friday, DEC 23rd and Saturday DEC 24th and closed on Sunday. Christmas Day.
Hmmmmm.......so I have three and a half days to paint about 100 crab shells..........hmmmmm..............I must be crazy.
Are you ready for Christmas? Not me.........I have been extremely busy...........alot of stuff happening and has happened since the last post.
First off, the entire family converged upon Tennessee for Thanksgiving with my Mom and my sisters and their offspring. It just so happened that my birthday was the day before Thanksgiving and we celebrated that as well. Everything was wonderful and good and just cannot express how important for me that we were all together for those all too brief few days. Considering that Noodle and her husband brought my grandson with them........driving all the way from Leander, Texas......and my other daughter Mrs Moneypenny brought her entourage from Maryland...........and both of my boys rode with me and the wife from Maryland to Tennessee.......well.......let's just say that I am not only grateful, but thankful that everyone arrived safely and unscathed.....hehehe........seriously........
The Friday after Thanksgiving, me and Supernurse took a flight from Nashville to Mexico. That's right.......Mexico.........third year in a row.........Grand Palladium Riviera Maya again.........absolutely wonderful place.........and we stayed for 12 days before returning home to Baltimore.............Whew!...........yeah, I am tired.............so bear with me on posting about the trip as I usually have in the past. Hopefully I will get to that very soon.
Upon our return home, the proverbial shit has hit the fan regarding the crab shells at the flea market. Christmas shopping has kicked in and shoppers have practically wiped out my supply of hand painted crab shells. This is a good thing and I am not complaining.........but this has also meant that I have been in a mad scramble to replace the sold shells with more shells.......which also means that I have been very busy........painting......painting......and painting crab shells. I do not want to disappoint any customers. Somehow, I have managed to keep going at it.
In regards to the crab shells. there are those that I make that I consider "must have"......and the rest are those that are specially made either from requests, pre-orders, or simply because someone challenged me or dared me to make one or two.
One of those "challenges" was the Harley-Davidson logo. There are many bikers and other assorted Harley lovers that roam the flea market. More than once, someone would approach my table and say "You don't have one with Harley on it?"......"I would buy one if you did."........well...........yes.........I DO have them now and that particular challenge has been met.
One of the "must haves" incorporates Natty Boh with the Maryland flag......very popular.
Another special request was this one. A couple wanted it for their little daughter's bedroom.
In addition to hand painted crab shells, I also make Redneck Wine Glasses. These are selling fast and I had to make 40 of them this week alone.
Football fans are not left out............even Packers fans roam around the flea market. Packers, Steelers, Redskins, Eagles, Seahawks........Giants.......even da Bears!
A really nice dude from West Virginia came by and asked me if I could paint a trout on a crab shell for him...........he was very happy.
Another request was from a firefighter from Baltimore City............he was also very happy with his crab shell.
Oh yeah........did I mention football fans?............Patriots!
Another variation of the Natty Boh/Maryland Flag crab shell.
This is yet another request........"I want one with the Colts on it".......well........to me, there is only ONE Colts that is worthy of my bother.......and that is the BALTIMORE Colts.....hehehe.
Crab shells.......it's a Maryland thing...........of course........Maryland Terps!
Lighthouses are also popular.
Believe it or not, the Orioles are a winner here.
But the most popular hand painted crab shell is this one.
I will put up some more pictures when I get.....uh....."IF" I get some spare time again before Christmas......hehehe........until then..........feel free to email me with any questions or you can post your questions here on the blog.
If you happen to like what you see and want to see more and perhaps purchase some for Christmas gifts.......or you want a Redneck Wine Glass...........come on down to the North Point Plaza Flea Market and say hello.........or even "Merry Christmas!".
If you are not local to the Baltimore area.......hmmm........I still have yet to do that Paypal thing and it is not likely that I will get to that this year. Look for it after the new year.
Yes it is definately the end of the world........no doubt about it......lots of stuff has been happening............in one week's time I have had the pleasure of experiencing my first "substantial" earthquake and Hurricane Irene.........and I still managed to get myself down to the Northpoint Plaza Flea Market and hawk my hand painted crab shell ornaments. Imagine that.
First, I again apologize for my lack of posting here on the blog.......I have been very busy.......really.........no kidding..........I have been helping my daughter, Miss Moneypenny, with various assorted things just about every day........grandfatherly type chores....housesitting.....kidsitting......and while at her house I have been busy also with prepping these crab shells so I can sell them. Lot's of work and my time has been consumed in biblical proportions.
Okay......so the weekdays are booked solid........and that leaves me with Saturdays and Sundays to hawk my wares at the flea market. What I sell is not really a flea market item..........it is a craft item.......art..........and not a dollar item. These pieces of art are made by me and for the most part, are unique and some are even one of a kind. I put alot of effort and time into making the ornaments and I have established a spot at the flea market to make them available to anyone who wants one.....or two........or even three.....four...or five of them.
Business has started out really slow.......some days I hadn't even sold one.......but determination is embedded in me and I stand my ground and plant my seeds..........in time, hopefully soon, it will all be worthwhile. Timing is everything.........right? Leave it to me to start a business venture when the economy has tanked and people can barely have enough money to buy the things they actually need. And leave it to me that I decided to manufacture something that is, at best, a novelty and not a necessity.
Painted crab shells!
One month into this venture and things are picking up and word is getting out. More and more customers with each weekend that comes. Oddly, my busiest day so far, was during the hurricane.....go figure.
The Maryland flag.......Natty Boh........
It's a Maryland thing folks...........the Maryland State flower is the Black Eyed Susan.
The Baltimore Ravens!..........every man cave should have one.
And yes, I paint them.........and you can watch me do it at the flea market.
I get special requests sometimes........"Can you make 'em wit da Harley logo on it?" Yes I can.........but I haven't...........that is...........yet.
Each crab shell gets cleaned thoroughly, disinfected, and primed before painting.
This is one of my latest original creations and perfect for Christmas. While some folks might think that these painted crab shells are just used as a Christmas ornament........this is not the case. You can display them anywhere in your home or office throughout the year.
It's a Maryland thing! And nothing says it better than a painted crab shell.
If you are interested in purchasing a hand painted crab shell, come visit me at the Northpoint Plaza Flea Market in Baltimore County, MD. I am there every Sunday from 7 AM to 4 PM and most Saturdays as well. Occasionally, I may have to be set up at some other venue on Saturdays.
Price?.........well, that all depends.......but I can tell you that my prices are better than than what is generally found on the internet. Quality?.......the shells speak for themselves......tell me what you think.
I plan on making these available here on the internet very soon.........but one thing at a time......I am overwhelmed at the moment.
Time has a way of sneaking up on you. Worse yet........because time has a way of sneaking up on you, you might not realize that your health also can be declining in the process without you really noticing........that is, until you feel like death warmed over. That pretty much sums it up for me lately. Time has been flying by........no stunner there.......and in the past year I have been feeling terrible........worse and worse........tired.....wasted......in a funk........and it had gotten worse and worse and ultimately bad enough that I went to a hospital emergency room to get checked out. Being a person with coronary heart disease, I had to get the heart checked out.......just in case this was a precursor to a heart attack. I was feeling like I had been poisoned......deathly ill......the feeling of impending doom.......I had no explanation for it.
The doctors admitted me to the hospital for some testing and observation. The blood tests all came back good. Urine test......good. EKG.........perfect. Blood pressure......good. Heart rate?...........well...........it was 40..........and for me....that is way too low. They performed a nuclear stress test on me.......I survived it and the results showed nothing alarming. Such a mystery. The cardiologist informed me that he felt that it was not necessary at this time to do an angioplasty....why take the risk?..........and that he thought that one of two things (or both) could be the problem. Could be some sort of virus that will have to run its course on its own........or I am overmedicated. Overmedicated!.........that could explain everything...........about 7 months or more ago, my regular doctor had increased (doubled) my dosage of Metoprolol. The cardiologist at the hospital decided to decrease by half the Metoprolol and the Altace that I take. So there I am.........It has been two days and so far I haven't felt deathly ill........maybe a little tired still........and not as out of breath. Time will tell.....but I think the problem is solved.
More about my hospital stay at the end of this post.
And now for some more dopplegangers:
Remember singer Eddie Money?
For some reason he looks exactly like Suzanne Roberts, the host of a short public interest show on Comcast.
And Orioles owner Peter Angelos.........
.......looks awfully familar to me!........
Yep........looks like Peter.
If you have watched Fox News then you most likely have seen Charles Krauthammer.
Every time I see Charles Krauthammer I think of ..........
.........Madame!............yes indeedy..........
And more Fox News........ You have seen Alan Colmes before............
.........thats right........Alan Colmes used to be the Gatekeeper!
..........looks exactly like actor Sam Neill from Jurassic Park.
Okay....enough of that stuff........
Back to the hospital......
Tests......monitors........IV's..........stabbed in the arms four times............not particularly a comfortable experience..........but the ultimate insult to injury is what occurs right before leaving the hospital.......
As it was......for whatever reason in the 24 hours I was in the hospital........I ended up with no less than SIXTEEN of those round sticky wire connectors stuck to my chest..........a set for the heart monitor........a set for the EKG in the ER.......and yet another set used during the stress test........and it was left for me to remove............and the problem was.......I have hair on my chest.
Jesus God Almighty!
My son almost shit himself laughing as he watched me yank each of the sixteen torture pads. I yelled and winced and hollered and nearly shit my own self silly.
So I ask........is this really a good way to release a heart patient from the hospital?