Somehow, the midst of all of this..........or maybe immediately after.........I have to get busy painting Maryland Blue Crab shells. I have about 130 of them ready for paint. Then, I need to get myself in gear and market them on the internet. I have some great ideas for the shells.
Here are a few of my thoughts today:
Finally, Baltimore has someone other than Pat Jessamy to prosecute criminals. For 15 years, Jessamy has somehow managed to keep her job as States Attorney for Baltimore City.........and Baltimore City has somehow managed to keep itself crime ridden for over the past 15 years. Was Jessamy to blame?.......maybe.......maybe not........but we all want thugs to be held accountable for their actions. Jessamy said, after her defeat, "I will be MOVING FORWARD"..........go figure!
I am still getting comments to the blog entry entitled "Jehovah's Witnesses Should Read This" which I had written over about two years ago.. I find it amazing that so many people are interested in whether or not Venus and Serena Williams are members of that cult group or not. Can you say "Moths to a flame?"
Ravens lost to the Bengals.............Joe Flacco was lethargic. Every time the camera showed a close-up of him, he looked like he was dazed and confused and working in a zone other than a football field. Gotta blame the coaches on this loss. Flacco should have sat out the fourth quarter...........he really wasn't there anyway.
Until next time, here are a few videos that I thought was interesting: