Another one of my favorite sad songs.
Camel was a fantastic band....if you had never heard of them, then you have missed much.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Camel - Long Goodbyes
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Remember Moms Mabley? Moms Mabley once said, "He's so ugly, he hurt my feelings"........she also said "he was so ugly, he used to stand outside the doctor's office and make people sick."

I have noticed that whenever that blubbering Barney Frank is in the news......we never get to see his teeth. I searched the internet for images of him and I cannot come up with any picture of Barney Frank that shows his teeth.......
..........except for this one............

FOLLOW UP to a previous post:
Regarding recent news of Ted Kennedy's death...........what can I say?........other than "Good Luck, Ted". As you know already, the Democrats want to put the Kennedy name on Obamacare. Instead of Obamacare, it will be KennedyCare. Either way, it is still a bad deal.
Moms Mabley once said: "They say you shouldn't say nothin' about the dead unless it's good. He's dead........Good."
I wouldn't be so harsh and Mabley was a comedian.......then again.....she's dead too.
As to Kennedy's family and grandchildren.....and I am sure they all loved him very much and will miss them I offer my condolences.
Barney Frank,
Dumb and Dumber,
Gentle Giant,
Jim Carrey,
Moms Mabley,
Ted Kennedy
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Speed Cameras In School Zones

Consider the "school zones". On the surface, designated school zones are something just about everyone would agree with having. Instead of the school zone being utilized for the safety of our children, the only purpose that I can see for having any such zones at this point is that it is just another disguise as a revenue generator. Think about it.......we have 55mph speed limit signs on the Baltimore Beltway yet the overwhelming majority of vehicles there are maintaining a steady 65-75 mph unless there is a backup. There is no way that police can stop everyone and give them a ticket. No way possible. It is also true that there is no way possible to ticket every vehicle that speeds through a school zone.....regardless of how many signs are posted. The question do we get everyone to slow down for the kids that may be present near a school? The answe is a simple one. No need for a "study" need to waste taxpayer money.......especially in these current times. But think about the issue for a many years now have we had schools and cars on the same streets? For me......I cannot remember any time when cars and trucks and children were not using the same neighborhood.
As long as there have been vehicles on the road, there has been a great number that speed by...... well over the posted limits. Nothing has stopped them and nothing ever really will. There will never be a day when all drivers obey the rules. Out of the blue.......somebody decides that having speed cameras at intersections will discourage drivers from running a red light. Maybe it does discourage a few, but I contend that those few are the decent folks who ordinarily wouldn't run a red light. So instead of the cameras doing what they were initially designed to do, the money grabbers realized that with the slew of habitual drivers with poor driving skills....there is a consistent flow of money being generated via citations that are mailed to each "violator". As I think about it, I cannot recall ever seeing any news reports declaring that traffic light camera fines are decreasing and that the cameras are actually effective. None..........ever.

I just do not believe that these politicians, that enact such laws and mechanisms, really, really have our best interests at heart. Think about zones are all considered "Drug Free" zones as well. The idea was that our kids would be safer if school zones were declared drug free.......yeah gotta be kidding me. The only result of the "drug free" designation is that when anyone caught with illegal drugs in a designated "drug free area", they would have an extra charge against them and a heavier fine and penalty. Sounds all well and good, but the reality hasn't stopped the illegal activity and our kids are still very much at risk while at or near a school. Somebody, though, makes alot of money out of the deal. Let's face it.......the gun laws are the same deal. Thugs, thieves, , murderers, drug dealers, speeders.......all sorts of criminals.......none of these people ever just stop dead in their tracks and say....."Uh oh......I guess I won't be doing this anymore because they have a new law." Good people are having laws thrown at them left and right and they already are not breaking any laws. Lawbreakers could care less about the law or the rules.
If our leaders were really serious about getting vehicles to slow down in school zones, they would order some signs similar to the following:

"traffic calming devices"...........which really doesn't do very much to slow anyone down. My son tells me that the federal government uses the metal one in front of government facilities......imagine that.......they must want to be safer than the rest of us.

Let's put some people to work....other than illegals......and do it right.
I personally will not vote to re-elect any boneheaded political candidate that has approved or intends to approve speed cameras.
The money grabbers need to go......its about time we make things right.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Signtopia Expansion Pack 2.1 Update

Me and Supernurse recently spent a week visiting our daughter Noodle in Leander, Texas. It was a getaway, yet it wasn't a getaway. When we arrived, Princess Fartknocker and her brother, the former Mayor Of Simpleton, were already there waiting for us.........go figure........sometimes you just can't escape.....hehehe.
We see Princess Fartknocker and her brother all of the time and therefore we do not notice so much how fast they have grown. But because we do not really get to see Signtopia Expansion Pack 2.1 in person and up close.....except via the was stunning to see just how much he has grown. I must say that I was amazed when I saw him shaving.......hehehe....just kidding.....but dang!....he ain't so much a baby anymore. Time flies.
Pictures can be decieving...........he is as sweet as can be......and he is a thinker. I don't know that I have ever seen a small child like him play with such concentration.......he is very serious about everything he does.
He spends most of his time playing with them....he knows them by name and number and color, too. He isn't destructive with his toys. He certainly isn't Little Gomez Addams......hehehe.
We had a great time and look forward to returning there again in October.
By then........Expansion Pack 2.1 might have a beard
Thomas the Tank Engine
Friday, August 21, 2009
A Little Humor For The Weekend

The first nurse replied, "I was an intensive care nurse and I saved hundreds of lives." "Welcome," said St. Peter, "come right in.
And what did you do?" he asked the second one.
The second nurse replied, "I was an emergency room nurse and I saved hundreds of lives." "Welcome," said St. Peter, "come right in.
And what did you do?" he asked the third one. The third nurse replied, "I was a managed care nurse and I saved the insurance companies hundreds of thousands of dollars."
"Welcome," said St. Peter, "come right in...but only for three days."
Interns think of God, residents pray to God, doctors talk to God, nurses ARE God.
Four nurses all decided to play a joke on the doctor they worked for, whom they all felt was an arrogant jerk. Later in the day, they all got together on break and discussed what they had done to the doctor. The first nurse said, "I stuffed cotton in his stethoscope so he couldn't hear." The second nurse said, "I let the mercury out of his thermometers and painted them all to read 106 degrees." The third nurse said, "Well, I did worse than that. I poked holes in all of the condoms that he keeps in his desk drawer." The fourth nurse fainted.
What's the difference between an oral thermometer and a rectal thermometer? The taste.
Why did the nurse always insist on using the rectal thermometer to obtain temperatures?
She was taught in nursing school to always look for her patient's best side
She was taught in nursing school to always look for her patient's best side
A nursing assistant, floor nurse, and charge nurse from a small nursing home
were taking a lunch break in the break room. In walks a lady dressed in silk scarfs and wearing large polished stoned jewlery. "I am 'Gina the Great'," stated the lady.
"I am so pleased with the way you have taken care of my aunt
that I will now grant the next three wishes!"
With a wave of her hand and a puff of smoke,
the room was filled with flowers, fruit and bottles of drink, proving that she did have the power to grant wishes
before any of the nurses could think otherwise. The nurses quickly argued among themselves as to which one would ask for the first wish. Speaking up, the nursing assistant wished first. "I wish I were on a tropical island beach, with single, well-built men
feeding me fruit and tending to my every need." With a puff of smoke, the nursing assistant was gone. The floor nurse went next.
"I wish I were rich and retired and spending my days in my own warm cabin at a ski resort with well groomed men feeding me cocoa and doughnuts."
With a puff of smoke, she too was gone. "Now, what is the last wish?" asked the lady. The charge nurse said," I want those two back on the floor at the end of the lunch break."
were taking a lunch break in the break room. In walks a lady dressed in silk scarfs and wearing large polished stoned jewlery. "I am 'Gina the Great'," stated the lady.
"I am so pleased with the way you have taken care of my aunt
that I will now grant the next three wishes!"
With a wave of her hand and a puff of smoke,
the room was filled with flowers, fruit and bottles of drink, proving that she did have the power to grant wishes
before any of the nurses could think otherwise. The nurses quickly argued among themselves as to which one would ask for the first wish. Speaking up, the nursing assistant wished first. "I wish I were on a tropical island beach, with single, well-built men
feeding me fruit and tending to my every need." With a puff of smoke, the nursing assistant was gone. The floor nurse went next.
"I wish I were rich and retired and spending my days in my own warm cabin at a ski resort with well groomed men feeding me cocoa and doughnuts."
With a puff of smoke, she too was gone. "Now, what is the last wish?" asked the lady. The charge nurse said," I want those two back on the floor at the end of the lunch break."
How do you save a doctor from drowning? Take your foot off his head.
You know you're a nurse if...
You believe every patient needs TLC: Thorazine, Lorazepam and Compazine.
You would like to meet the inventor of the call light in a dark alley one night.
You believe not all patients are annoying ... some are unconscious.
Your sense of humor seems to get more "warped" each year.
You know the phone numbers of every late night food delivery place in town by heart.
You can only tell time with a 24 hour clock.
Almost everything can seem humorous ... eventually.
When asked, "What color is the patient's diarrhea?", you show them your shoes.
Every time you walk, you make a rattling noise because of all the scissors and clamps in your pockets.
You can tell the pharmacist more about the medicines he is dispensing than he can.
You carry "spare" meds in your pocket rather than wait for pharmacy to deliver.
You refuse to watch ER because it's too much like the real thing and triggers "flash backs."
You check the caller ID when the phone rings on your day off to see if someone from the hospital is trying to call to ask you to work.
You've been telling stories in a restaurant and had someone at another table throw up.
You notice that you use more four letter words now than before you became a nurse.
Every time someone asks you for a pen, you can find at least three of them on you.
You can intubate your friends at parties.
You don't get excited about blood loss ... unless it's your own.
You live by the motto, "To be right is only half the battle, to convince the physician is more difficult." You've basted your Thanksgiving turkey with a Toomey syringe.
You've told a confused patient your name was that of your coworker
and to HOLLER if they need help.
Eating microwave popcorn out a clean bedpan is perfectly natural.
Your bladder can expand to the same size as a Winnebago's water tank.
When checking the level of orientation of a patient, you aren't sure of the answer.
You find yourself checking out other customer's arm veins in grocery waiting lines.
You can sleep soundly at the hospital cafeteria table during dinner break,
sitting up and not be embarrassed when you wake up.
You avoid unhealthy looking shoppers in the mall for fear that they'll drop
near you and you'll have to do CPR on your day off.
You've sworn you're going to have "NO CODE" tattooed on your chest.
You believe every patient needs TLC: Thorazine, Lorazepam and Compazine.
You would like to meet the inventor of the call light in a dark alley one night.
You believe not all patients are annoying ... some are unconscious.
Your sense of humor seems to get more "warped" each year.
You know the phone numbers of every late night food delivery place in town by heart.
You can only tell time with a 24 hour clock.
Almost everything can seem humorous ... eventually.
When asked, "What color is the patient's diarrhea?", you show them your shoes.
Every time you walk, you make a rattling noise because of all the scissors and clamps in your pockets.
You can tell the pharmacist more about the medicines he is dispensing than he can.
You carry "spare" meds in your pocket rather than wait for pharmacy to deliver.
You refuse to watch ER because it's too much like the real thing and triggers "flash backs."
You check the caller ID when the phone rings on your day off to see if someone from the hospital is trying to call to ask you to work.
You've been telling stories in a restaurant and had someone at another table throw up.
You notice that you use more four letter words now than before you became a nurse.
Every time someone asks you for a pen, you can find at least three of them on you.
You can intubate your friends at parties.
You don't get excited about blood loss ... unless it's your own.
You live by the motto, "To be right is only half the battle, to convince the physician is more difficult." You've basted your Thanksgiving turkey with a Toomey syringe.
You've told a confused patient your name was that of your coworker
and to HOLLER if they need help.
Eating microwave popcorn out a clean bedpan is perfectly natural.
Your bladder can expand to the same size as a Winnebago's water tank.
When checking the level of orientation of a patient, you aren't sure of the answer.
You find yourself checking out other customer's arm veins in grocery waiting lines.
You can sleep soundly at the hospital cafeteria table during dinner break,
sitting up and not be embarrassed when you wake up.
You avoid unhealthy looking shoppers in the mall for fear that they'll drop
near you and you'll have to do CPR on your day off.
You've sworn you're going to have "NO CODE" tattooed on your chest.
Two doctors were in a hospital hallway one day complaining about Nurse Nancy.
"She's incredibly mixed up," said one doctor.
"She does everything absolutely backwards."
"Just last week, I told her to give a patient 2 milligrams of morphine every 10 hours. She gave him 10 milligrams every 2 hours. He damn near died on us!"
The second doctor said, "That's nothing." "Earlier this week, I told her to give a patient an enema every 24 hours. She tries to give him 24 enemas in one hour! The guy damn near exploded!" Suddenly, they hear this blood-curdling scream from down the hall.
"Oh my God!" said the first doctor, "I just realized I told Nurse Nancy to prick Mr. Smith's boil!"
"She's incredibly mixed up," said one doctor.
"She does everything absolutely backwards."
"Just last week, I told her to give a patient 2 milligrams of morphine every 10 hours. She gave him 10 milligrams every 2 hours. He damn near died on us!"
The second doctor said, "That's nothing." "Earlier this week, I told her to give a patient an enema every 24 hours. She tries to give him 24 enemas in one hour! The guy damn near exploded!" Suddenly, they hear this blood-curdling scream from down the hall.
"Oh my God!" said the first doctor, "I just realized I told Nurse Nancy to prick Mr. Smith's boil!"
A man goes to visit his 85-year-old grandpa in hospital.
"How are you grandpa? he asks. "Feeling fine," says the old man. "What's the food like?" "Terrific, wonderful menus." "And the nursing?" "Just couldn't be better. These young nurses really take care of you." "What about sleeping? Do you sleep OK?" "No problem, nine hours solid every night. At 10 o'clock they bring me a cup of hot chocolate and a Viagra tablet ... and that's it. I go out like a light." The grandson is puzzled and a little alarmed by this,
so he rushes off to question the nurse in charge.
"What are you people doing?," he says, "I'm told you're giving an 85-year-old Viagra on a daily basis. Surely that can't be true?" "Oh, yes," replied the nurse.
"Every night at 10 o'clock we give him a cup of hot chocolate and a Viagra tablet.
It works wonderfully well.
The chocolate makes him sleep, and the Viagra stops him from rolling out of bed."
"How are you grandpa? he asks. "Feeling fine," says the old man. "What's the food like?" "Terrific, wonderful menus." "And the nursing?" "Just couldn't be better. These young nurses really take care of you." "What about sleeping? Do you sleep OK?" "No problem, nine hours solid every night. At 10 o'clock they bring me a cup of hot chocolate and a Viagra tablet ... and that's it. I go out like a light." The grandson is puzzled and a little alarmed by this,
so he rushes off to question the nurse in charge.
"What are you people doing?," he says, "I'm told you're giving an 85-year-old Viagra on a daily basis. Surely that can't be true?" "Oh, yes," replied the nurse.
"Every night at 10 o'clock we give him a cup of hot chocolate and a Viagra tablet.
It works wonderfully well.
The chocolate makes him sleep, and the Viagra stops him from rolling out of bed."
A big shot attorney had to spend a couple of days in the hospital.
He was a royal pain to the nurses because he bossed them around just like he did his staff.
None of the hospital staff wanted to have anything to do with him. The head nurse was the only one who could stand up to him.
She came into his room and announced, "I have to take your temperature." After complaining for several minutes, he finally settled down,
crossed his arms and opened his mouth. 'No, I'm sorry,' the nurse stated, 'but for this reading, I can't use an oral thermometer." This started another round of complaining but eventually he rolled over and bared his behind. After feeling the nurse insert the thermometer, he heard her announce,
"I have to get something. Now you stay JUST LIKE THAT until I get back!" She left the door to his room open on her way out.
He cursed under his breath as he heard people walking past his door, laughing. After a half hour, the man's doctor came into the room. "What's going on here?" asked the doctor. Angrily, the man answered, "What's the matter, Doc?"
"Haven't you ever seen someone having their temperature taken?" After a pause, the doctor confessed ... "Not with a carnation!"
He was a royal pain to the nurses because he bossed them around just like he did his staff.
None of the hospital staff wanted to have anything to do with him. The head nurse was the only one who could stand up to him.
She came into his room and announced, "I have to take your temperature." After complaining for several minutes, he finally settled down,
crossed his arms and opened his mouth. 'No, I'm sorry,' the nurse stated, 'but for this reading, I can't use an oral thermometer." This started another round of complaining but eventually he rolled over and bared his behind. After feeling the nurse insert the thermometer, he heard her announce,
"I have to get something. Now you stay JUST LIKE THAT until I get back!" She left the door to his room open on her way out.
He cursed under his breath as he heard people walking past his door, laughing. After a half hour, the man's doctor came into the room. "What's going on here?" asked the doctor. Angrily, the man answered, "What's the matter, Doc?"
"Haven't you ever seen someone having their temperature taken?" After a pause, the doctor confessed ... "Not with a carnation!"
Nurse: Doctor, there is a man in the waiting room with a glass eye named Brown.
Doctor: What does he call his other eye?
Doctor: What does he call his other eye?
Patient: "Tell me, is it true that alcohol decreases blood pressure?" Doctor: "Yes, that is true." Patient: "And, is it true that coffee increases blood pressure?" Doctor: "Yes, that is also true." Patient: "So, in average, I live normally." Did you hear about the nurse who died and went straight to hell? It took her two weeks to realize that she wasn’t at work anymore!

Thursday, August 20, 2009
Another Piece Of My Mind

As usual, I procrastinated and waited until today.........except I woke up this morning to some more Kennedy news.........and that took me out of a funk and prompted me to write on the blog.
As you may know, it was big news when it was revealed that Senator Ted Kennedy has cancer of the brain. I do not wish anyone to have to deal with such a is terrible.........but somehow this news was something like a cruel, vengeful punishment. It has been said that for almost 47 years in "public service", Kennedy was at the forefront pushing for "Healthcare........Healthcare.........Healthcare!" is kinda ironic.......isn't it?
Politicians are mobsters and regarding the Mob, it has been said that there is "no honorable way out". Think about that..................stuff tends to come back and haunt you and you cannot cheat the hangman. need to step down now and let the people of Massachusetts have their say in the matter.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Thought Of The Day: ObamaCare

H.L. Mencken once said:
"That erroneous assumption is to the effort that the aim of public education is to fill the young of the species with knowledge and awaken their intelligence ... Nothing could be further from the
truth. The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all; it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to put down dissent and originality. That is its aim in the United States, whatever the pretensions of politicians, pedagogues and other such mountebanks, and that is its aim everywhere else. "
Mencken was correct.
So could anyone believe in this ObamaCare crap?............the answer is above.
public education,
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
The B-52s Baltimore Concert

It was a good time and I am glad I went. I would recommend it. The B-52 gals had no clue that they had been in the presence of the Uncle Murray Band.......hehehe.......and if they happen to ever read this...........THANKS!
Cindy Wilson,
Fred Schneider,
Kate Pierson,
Keith Strickland
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