Gee.......I had so much to share with everyone.........the latest Sexton Family Reunion, crab feasts, music, baseball, football, lots of good stuff to write about............but the blue screen of death entered into the picture and there was nothing that I could do to make that go away. For those of you who are sitting there, reading this, and saying "What in the hell is the blue screen of death?"....well.......it is something that happens when your computer gives up the ghost. As it happens, Supernurse had been pestering me to find a way to convert some audio from a cassette tape to mp3 form so that she could listen to it on her mp3 player. I am ashamed to say what that audio was..........I will tell you in a bit.
As it was, I managed to discover a program called Audacity, managed to hook up the cassette deck to my laptop computer and proceeded to convert an hour and a half of the audio. It was a long process, but I did it. Unfortunately, my computer decided to go bonkers before I could save the sound files to a disc for her to use. Ultimately, my laptop's hard drive went kapooey.
I had taken that computer with me on every vacation, every trip, every country that I visited.........I used it extremely often................I did get my money's worth out of it for over five years or so............one would think that putting the laptop through those rigors of travel.....airports......x-ray scans.......well.......maybe it should have died a long time ago. Countless viruses and trojans were never able to completely conquer it, and I was always able to find some way to take care of those problems.........but I believe what really took the cake was not so much the long process of converting some audio, but was what exactly the audio was. Not only was I in agony of having to listen to that audio in real time as it was recording, but my computer obviously took it in as pure, unadulterated sewage.
So now you must be wondering exactly what was on that cassette tape................
....okay.........now I have to tell you.........but first I need to set the story up.
When Supernurse wants something, I find it difficult to say "no". As it was, Supernurse is obsessed about weight and even though she may have a little bit more weight now than ever before, she is hardly "fat". In fact, she is NOT fat at all. In her mind though, she is obese.....hehehe.......and while I have never complained, she has. So she tries to firm up this part and that part of her body, lose a little here and there..........she exercises......does the Pilates dvd routine fairly regularly. Of course, this doesn't satisfy her. Not enough progress to her. So gets gets a wild hair and decides to get her paws on two cassette tapes from God knows where and she plans on listening to those cassettes while exercising. Okay.........this is all well and good.......but...............for the love of God........why, oh why.............somebody tell me..........how on earth is it possible that the cassettes are called "Taking A Hike" and "Taking A Walk" by none other than...............................
.........Richard Simmons!
You can imagine the suffering I went through to convert the audio..........and now everyone knows what Richard Simmons audio does to a computer.
So there ya go............that's the deal. My computer is dead. So now I have to resort to using Supernurse's computer until sometime in the future when I get myself a new laptop.
I promise I will make a greater effort to write more often.....okay, okay, I know you have probably read that before...........but stuff happens.................and speaking of "stuff" coming up......there is Aruba in October and Florida in November............Life is good, despite what those idiot politicians on tv are trying to say.
Stay Tuned!