So now, Jimmy Carter goes over to "negotiate" with well established terror groups such as Hamas in the Holy Land. Great going Jimmy........maybe the morons at the United Nations will ask you to go to the inner city of Baltimore and "negotiate" with some of the "fine" citizenry here who love it when politicians get all warm and fuzzy with the homegrown terrorists that have been raping, robbing, and murdering at such a rate that even Jimmy Carter himself could count on two hands how many people are still alive that actually voted for him as president years ago.
In case anyone has forgotten.....like Carter.......or cannot grasp U.S. policy...............it is that we are NOT supposed to negotiate with terrorists.........and that includes countries that support and defend terrorists. Plain and simple. Now having said that, I am wondering why Carter has not had his passport seized and charges of the highest order levied against him. If any one of us ordinary citizens did any of the stuff that Carter is getting away with, we would be tried and convicted of treason.........which I believe the penalty is death by hanging or firing squad.
Furthermore, it is a sure sign of the end of this world, when it appears that only a few people notice this kind of stuff.
Jimmy, it is time for you to go away.........I hear that they need peanut farmers in Gaza.

Yep............the Governor of Maryland, Martin O'Malley...........and to think he has everyone hoodwinked into thinking he is Irish........hehehe.

If anything......what with all of these mysterious objects in the sky. at least Calypso Louie Farrakhan has yet to see his mothership arrive........hehehe.
Supernurse and I have a song that we both have to admit is "our song". "Two Tickets To Paradise".
Don't get me wrong..........it is a great song and even though it took over twenty-five years for us to actually go and see "paradise", whenever we hear that song......well......I am sure you understand.
Anyway, I heard the song again the other day and wondered about the dude that sang the song.......where has he been?........is he still at it?........what does he look like now after all these years?.........................and while I was watching television, I think I saw him!

Jesus God!........everybody RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!