I suppose everyone will have their own special resolutions for the new year. Some will want to lose weight.......others will want more money...........etc., etc. But me?.......well......I just do not know. No matter how well things go for you, you surely know that some shit is gonna enter the picture at some point. The problem is........no matter what you try to do to prevent it, the shit always hits the fan occasionally. If we each had the power, we could do things to put up a barrier to block it.........but the reality is.......even if you isolate and protect yourself.......shit always finds a way to enter the picture.
Having said that, perhaps my new years resolution should be that I should seek as much shit as I can............you know how it goes...........when you try to get something accomplished it usually doesn't happen........at least as far as resolutions go. Oh well.......I ain't even gonna go that route because I know full well that if I did, some other kind of shit would come my way and ruin things. So just what kind of resolution can I come up with......at least that would actually be successful?
I could come up with some stupid little lame resolutions like "I resolve to stop eating Ho-Ho's because it might offend Al Sharpton".........ha.............then again, I never eat Ho-Ho's anyway. I could resolve to never watch MTV.........then again.....I already stopped watching MTV when they stopped having music. Hmmmmmmm........so what is a guy to do?
After some deep thought and serious visitation with the inner spaces of my brain........I have come up with one New Year's Resolution that I will share with everyone. Sure......I have a few other resolutions.....but those are personal........but this one particular resolution is a good one to share with you.
So here it goes.................
I have decided that for 2008, I am resolved to do what I can.........to ensure that the spirit of the Uncle Murray Band continues.
Okay.......maybe some of you have no clue what that means............but in my world, it has many meanings. As we all get older and life passes by, sometimes things never get said or done........and opportunities to say and do things do not always present themselves. I intend on doing what I can to make those opportunities happen. And this particular resolution is one which, if it succeeds.......I will have accomplished much...............and if it doesn't succeed.......well.....I can safely be able to say I actually enjoyed trying. If I fail, then I will never be able to kick myself in the rump and say "I should have done this....or I should have done that".
I don't know.........maybe I should just cover all of my bases and simply say:
My New Year's Resolution is............
I am going to "TRY".