Let's go back in time, shall we? This stuff ain't just for anyone.....but those who are smart enough will be able to appreciate this.
While you are watching this, see if you can pick out which one of these guys looks an awful lot like Jim Carrey.....hehehe........
Friday, September 28, 2007
Gentle Giant - Playing The Game - Live 1978
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Game Show from Japan
I am sitting here scratching my head thinking........two nukes after kamikazee behavior and Japan has progressed to this!
If there ever was a sign of the end........this has to be one of them.
You gotta watch this one.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Todd Rundgren - Pretending To Care
What can I say?......this is just as good as it gets.
Enjoy this one.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
And as I wait and anticipate, I am bombarded with the insanity that prevails all around me......reminders of the impending doom that most of us seem to ignore. Do I really need to point this stuff out to the world?..............well......somebody has to do it. Actually, I know that there are many on this here planet that see what I see....hear what I hear......and feel the same way that I do. Unfortunately, none of those people are acknowledged by the media....except maybe talk radio. Sadly, talk radio is considered to be "biased"!......yeah right, biased we are.....hehehe.
Today, we are greeted with the news that OJ is out on bail, Maryland Governor O'Malley has a plan to raise taxes, Jesse saying Obama is acting white, and Sheila Dixon (Baltimore's Mayor) has thanked everyone who voted for her....even those who pushed the wrong buttons!?
Oh yeah....such news is the daily manna for our insane world.

Here is one person that is taking notice of the insanity.........I hope you can read it.

Oh......and by the way.........Sheila Dixon has a plan.............none of us know what that plan is, but she has a plan. That plan will be shared with everyone at some time in the months to come....imagine that.....months to come...........hehehehehe.
I have a plan, myself.............but I can guarantee that I will actually benefit from it.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Adrian Belew - 1967
For me, this song is brilliant. Belew is one heck of a guitarist. This song is probably what Paul McCartney would have sounded like if his lyrics and music were deeper.
The Big Stink Permeates Baltimore

Stench..........It's not like any of us can say we didn't see any of this coming.
Tuesday was "Primary Election" day in Baltimore City. It stinks really bad now.
"Primary".........what a joke! In Baltimore City, "Primary Election" means that they will be selecting from the slate of morons in hope that one moron will maintain the status quo for the democratic party. Whoever wins the "primary" will BE the next mayor. "General Election"??.......you have to be kidding me.....Republicans make up about 7% of all registered voters in Baltimore.......you have a better chance of hitting the lottery like a guy named Bucky.
The General Election is pointless unless we can still hope for miracles..........more stink!
The democratic machine is so strong in Baltimore City that a republican candidate could never find enough dead people to vote for them and give the democrats a fight. Surely you must have heard how famous Baltimore is for having dead people vote.........more stink!
Does it stink enough yet?...........well.....the results are in............even more stink! Sheila Dixon will be continuing as Mayor of Baltimore. We are gonna be stuck with her for quite some time unless some miracle does happen. And guess who stood in front of the cameras to announce the "new mayor"?????..............it was none other than that leadership team for democrats led by former Baltimore Mayor and now current Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley. Ohhhhh the stink factor is way up there now, ain't it?

1. I didn't have an umbrella.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Kasia Kowalska - Chcę znać swój grzech
More Polish music.
In English, the title of the song is "Why Should I?".
Monday, September 10, 2007
Oh Geez, Here We Go Again

And of course, this was the day before the primary election in Baltimore.........the stench is getting stronger now. Tomorrow, Baltimore will be ripe with stink.
At this point I am really looking forward to the Ravens game. But wait.........I get some late breaking news about my beloved Orioles.............Jay Gibbons implicated for steriods!.......Ha!.....like none of us could tell?..........maybe now they will get rid of that positionless moron once and for all. Sadly, it was just another nail in the Oriole coffin.......these "Birds" are infected with stink.

To add insult to injury.....after a fairly surprising toe to toe match as a whole, it looks like the Ravens might be able to pull off a win...........Palmer and his Bengals seemed to be asleep the second half. Boller comes in the game.......McNair is hurt and Boller tosses a touchdown pass to Heap......but NOOOooooooooooooo.......some official tosses a flag and says there was interference...........Bullhockey! The official made a mistake which was obvious after looking at the replays. After some bizarre officiating, the Ravens somehow end up with a first down on about the ten yard line. I am no coach...I am just a fan........but even both of my dogs would know that the Ravens needed to keep the ball on the ground for four downs and tie the game up with a TD. Running the ball was the no-brainer option. Give it to Musa Smith......he did it earlier!
But Nooooooooo, some knucklehead (Billick) calls for some passing plays out of Boller...........I am thinking Billick's meds have worn off at this point. I wouldn't let Boller toss a bone to a dog much less toss a ball in such important series of plays crucial to the Ravens......but Noooooooo........this is what I am watching on my tv! We deserved to lose this game, yes.......but the Bengals did not deserve a win either. This kind of stuff happening makes you wonder if these games are somehow fixed in some way. A paid official..........poor calls..........cameras zooming in on your play caller........and ultimately a coach ordering Boller to toss the ball.......... More stink.
The icing on this stink cake came when after the game, I logged onto the internet and checked the Drudge Report. I ran across a tidbit of news that a certain Democrat candidate for President of the United States appeared on Syrian television during a visit to Syria recently. The stink meter has reached its peak now....................would you like to see what stink looks like?
Here.......have a look.........

The bus is coming folks.............
Sunday, September 09, 2007
David Sancious Live:
I first learned about David Sancious about 30 years ago. I will write about him some other time, but for now, give him a listen.....you would be hard pressed to find a better keyboard musician. Enjoy!
It's Sunday........uh oh!

Unfortunately, the Ravens won't be on my tv until Monday night. Instead, I am subjected to a Pittsburgh Steeler game against Cleveland.....as if anyone in Baltimore really wants to see that game. Personally, I would rather watch an old Ma & Pa Kettle movie. When I was a kid, we had that option on the tv. Back then, there was no such thing as cable......and we were lucky if we had a decent enough antenna to bring in three clear local channels and maybe two or three stations from Washington DC. I remember the picture quality of those channels.....it was like looking at everything thru a snowstorm........ahhhhh but it was a simpler time.........and at least a time where you actually needed a roll of tin foil......hehehe.
Today, I have over 200 channels and I am hard pressed to find anything decent or interesting to watch.....go figure. It's no fun watching the Orioles lose again, and I cannot find a decent old movie anywhere. Where is Ma & Pa Kettle?
Here are a few things that irritate me to no end:
While watching baseball on tv, there are always some morons in the background on their cell phones waving at the camera. I cannot comprehend what possesses people to spend $100 to see a game and then waste their time and my television viewing pleasure with those shenanigans.
Speaking of cell phones......what is up with all of these people in the aisles at the grocery store and on their cell phones? Did they need to call home to find out what they need to buy at the store? Have grocery lists become a thing of the past? Are people so busy that they need to catch up on all of their phone calls while shopping? I guess I wouldn't mind it so much if these people would just have the decency to find some corner of the store for this crap and stay the hell out of the aisles. Inconsiderate morons blocking the aisles........it ain't right. Oh, I get my revenge though.....hehehe.
I remember a simpler time when my "phone" was about two blocks from my house, hanging on the side of a building that was a pharmacy. Couldn't have that today though.......they got rid of most of the payphones because of some moron dope dealers spoiling that concept. Instead, these days people can't even start up a car and put it in drive unless they have a cellphone up against their head. Do you suppose they will take away the cars in the future?
I get irritated when I see a news report about a crime of any sort and the reporter interviews the neighbors of the alleged perpetrator. Every time.....its always "he was a nice guy"....or "he just bought furniture!"...........never....not even once do they ever show a neighbor say "I knew that sucker and he was a real bastard"...or "we always knew he would do this"......never.
Another irritating thing is all of these cameras everywhere. All of the elements of the Orwellian concept of society are being put in place little by little and we let it happen. But let's just point out the cameras that they have in banks and convenience stores..............somebody needs to get a refund for what they paid to have them installed. I have yet to see any pictures from these cameras on tv news where the quality of the picture was better than a tv screen in 1965 with a tin foil antenna. How in God's name can anyone identify the suspects with such blurry pictures? In this age of high technology you would think at least you could get a very clear picture. No excuse.
Here is a point to ponder.......if Steve Fossett, millionaire pilot, can dissappear so easily, what makes the authorities think they could keep a terrorist from dissappearing?........much less find one.

Saturday, September 08, 2007
Friday, September 07, 2007
I cannot change the past. What is done is done. I can only sit here and anticipate each day that follows. Am I optimistic?......maybe not.....at least not for me. I need to vent and point out stuff, sound the alarm, to others......perhaps they might take notice and be inspired to inflict some changes to the things that are awry. Often I reflect on the past and imagine what things would be like for me today had I done a few things differently or if I made some effort while I was young to change things before I got older......but hindsight is 20/20 isn't it?..........yet there is a certain gratification to act not on your own behalf, but for others. This blog helps to serve up just a little piece of that....maybe something I write here could inspire someone else......that would be a good thing and if that actually occurs, then I will have accomplished much.
Life is stressful and writing stuff down seems to ease up on that. When you are young, most people never take time to notice their world around them. As I have gotten older, what awareness I had as a younger person has grown and grown and festered into a persistent sense of urgency. The city I was born and raised in is reaching critical mass....... there is a war unlike anything we have ever seen in our lifetime........illnesses abound........the political landscape is the equivalent of landfill with a morgue buried deep within its heaps of garbage..........and a sense of impending chaos about to come. Maybe I cannot change those things that will occur in the future, but I can surely try to do the following:
1. Brighten up someone's day by getting them to crack a smile.
2. Offer some reasonable advice about assorted things.
3. Share some of the joys that I have had my own self.
4. Leave some sort of historical record or mark for those family members that will hopefully be around long after my demise. (remember, I am half-old......hehehe)
My source of inspiration today, as with many other days, is that little foot next to mine in the picture shown above. You see a simple moment of joy in that picture which cannot be bought.....maybe it cannot even be taught......but it is one moment that, if you do not take the time to absorb it and take it in, will be lost in the fray......forgotten about......shelved like many other moments of time in your lives.
I want my children and grandchildren to know that I love them more than I could ever express......and that everything I do at this stage of my life.........well, at least most of what I do..hehehe.....is for them.
Now if I can just get them to actually listen to me and pay attention.......hehehe.

Thursday, September 06, 2007
Todd Rundgren
Once upon a time, me and some friends went to a Utopia concert at Radio City Music Hall. It was a day like no other......this video is of one of the songs that was played that day. Todd Rundgren and Kasim Sulton sound as good today as that Halloween day in NY back in the 70s.
This one is for Merf!
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
More Celebrity Look-Alikes

Here are a few more of those faces that you often see, and scratch your head and think how you have seen that same face once before.

Monday, September 03, 2007
Somebody Has To Say This Stuff.........
So here I go........

Baltimore has well over 200 murders so far this year. With each and every day, there are many more who lose their lives here.....senselessly......and real solutions are nowhere to be found.......and certainly no real solutions are offered by any politicians. The kicker here is....the "top" candidate for mayor just so happens to be Sheila Dixon........and Dixon recently got her ugly mug on television and said "Baltimore is safe." Unbelievable!
Back to the "debate"..........the field of candidates has to be the worst I have ever seen. There isn't one candidate with charm.......not one with "rock star" charisma..........none that even seem to convey an education beyond 8th grade........and none that spits a fire and demands change. We won't ever see a Republican primary debate here because Baltimore has been a democrat stronghold.....something like 99%....and a Republican hasn't a chance. Maybe it is time, though, to give one a chance......but I would suggest that there is nobody decent on either side that is willing to become mayor. Let me put it this way.........perhaps there was a time when becoming a mayor of a city was prestigious, honorable, and decent. A position that actually meant something good. Today.......it appears that the position of mayor, is now reduced to a symbol of inefficiency, crime, and corruption. Who wants the job?..........well....I have seen the candidates........they all claim to want the job, and from my perspective, each and every one of them will likely be a perfect fit as head of a city of the aforementioned corruption, crime, and inefficiency. Baltimore is doomed.
I didn't care for the job O'Malley did as mayor, and from what I can see, he is doing his darndest, as governor, to make the entire state of Maryland in as bad condition as what he left Baltimore. But at least O'Malley is one of those "rock star" politicians.........he has the looks, charisma, and he can actually speak more than ten words and two sentences without saying "ughhhh" or "ummmmm". Watching the debate was like having an out of body experience............you look down and see a motionless body (Baltimore) and listen to the funeral visitors chewing each other up. Not one of them will stand up and say "I apologize for being a part of Baltimore's demise". Not one of them.
If these morons are the best that can be found to lead this dying city........then there is no doubt in my mind that we can expect things to get worse in a hurry here and that's a darned shame. Once again, the political landscape of Baltimore is shaped by the cronies that run it.......no, not the figureheads that actually become candidates locally, but the machine that dictates their every action. The democrat political machine of Maryland needs to be put away into a landfill. In al of the years that have gone by, I have yet to meet anyone that can honestly say that things are better here. Crime is up....Murders are rampant......Jobs are low paying........Cost of Living is escalating and never decreasing......we still have slums and ghettos......the roads are in disrepair and a disgrace.....the police are inept and corrupt........and the nice democratic machine is taking steps to raise taxes again.
Baltimore City will get to the point where the tax base is so small within the city limits, that they will install some sort of commuter tax on those who live outside the city limits yet work inside the beltway. And somehow, it will be said that if the folks in the county will be subsidizing the city, they might as well have some say in its elections............and I see the following happening:
Baltimore City will merge with Baltimore County, thus creating the "Baltimore Metropolitan Area"......one large entity.......it can happen and it will happen.
Maybe then, we will have a few years where someone decent will run for office............oh....and more importantly........decent people will actually vote.